The world is changing rapidly due to the rapid development of information and communication technology and the development of the Internet.
In addition, according to these changes, the environment of the Korean medicine industry is facing an age of infinite competition in which global competition is fierce.
In this era, each individual or group in the Korean medicine industry must, among other things, have the capacity and the ability to cope with the rapid change of the knowledge society and the development of oriental medicine and veterinary medicine. The acquisition and selection of medical technology information and the ability to implement and share various marketing technologies that can create added value are provided. Since our founding, we have been striving to continuously improve our technology and services in the organic herbal medicine, professional medical equipment (equipment), coal dispensing equipment and oriental medical supplies business to actively accommodate the needs of this era and the needs of the oriental medicine industry.
In addition, we will not be satisfied with the accumulated technology and will continue to be the next-generation total solution provider.
We are always challenging and constantly change according to customer's requirements, and by creating creative companies, we want to be a professional company in the Korean medicine industry that customers can trust and entrust by acquiring customer satisfaction and continuous trust.
We look forward to welcoming the 21C transition era with many customers and ask for your continued interest and guidance. Thank you.
CEO LEE Jong Man